একটি মাত্র সূত্র দিয়ে ১২টি
Tense এর Voice নির্ণয় করা শিখুন
(৯১তম পর্ব)
কথা: অনেক লেখকের অনেক ইংরেজি গ্রামার বই আছে। প্রত্যেকেই তাদের মতো করে
আলোচনা করেছেন। তারপরও সেই বিষয়ে স্কুলে পড়ার পাশাপাশি শিক্ষার্থীকে প্রাইভেট পড়তে
হয়। আমার কথা হচ্ছে, প্রাইভেট যদি পড়তে হয় তাহলে গ্রামার বই এর কেন দরকার।এখানে নিশ্চয়
বইগুলোতে সঠিকভাবে আলোচনা করা হয়নি বলে শিক্ষার্থীদের বুঝতে সমস্যা হয়। যার ফলে শিক্ষার্থীরা
প্রাইভেট এর দিকে ঝুঁকে পড়ে। আমি VOICE সম্পর্কে যেভাবে পাঠ উপস্থাপন করেছি তা যদি
কেউ একবার মনোযোগ সহকারে পড়ে তাকে কোন দিন অন্য কোন শিক্ষকের নিকট বোঝার জন্য যেতে
হবে না। এটা সকলের গৃহ শিক্ষকের কাজ করবে। এখানে VOICE এর সকল কিছু চুলচেরা বিশ্লেষণ
করা হয়েছে। অন্য কোন গ্রামার বই এর দরকার পড়বে না্। সহজে মনে রাখার সকল টেকনিক এখানে
উপস্থাপন করা হয়েছে। Bangladesh Online University-তে প্রতিটি বিষয়ে সহজ টেকনিক অবলম্বন করা হয়েছে।ইতোমধ্যে Bangladesh Online
University-তে চারটি English Eassy শিখে ৮৫টি English Eassy লেখার কৌশল ,১২টি
Paragraph শিথে ৪০০টি Paragraph লেখার কৌশল এবং Right Form of Verbs, Tense শেখার
সহজ কৌশল এবং BCSসহ সকল চাকরি পরীক্ষায় ৯৫% কমন পাওয়ার প্রশ্নোত্তর খুব সহজভাবে
উপস্থাপন করা হয়েছে। যে কেউ কপি করে নিতে পারেন।
অন্যান্য বিষয়ের পর্ব দেখতে চাইলে এদের উপর ক্লিক করুনঃ
একটি মাত্র সূত্র দিয়ে ১২টি
Tense এর Voice নির্ণয় করা শিখুন
Voice কাকে
বাচন রীতিই বাচ্য বা Voice। অর্থাৎ Voice হচ্ছে ক্রিয়ার প্রকাশভঙ্গি যার মাধ্যমে বোঝা যায় যে, কোন
বাক্যের subject কাজটি করছে/করেছে/করবে নাকি কাজটি subject দ্বারা করা
Voice is the way of expressing verbs which describes whether the
subject does the work or it has been done by the subject.
Voice কতো প্রকার ও কি
Voice দুই প্রকারঃ
1. Active
2. Passive
Active voice:
যে sentence-এ
subject নিজে সক্রিয়ভাবে কাজটি করে সেই sentence-এ verb-এর active voice হয়।
The sentence in which
the subject does the work by himself actively in that sentence the verb has
an activevoice.
Passive voice:
যে sentence-এ
subject নিজে সক্রিয়ভাবে কাজটি করে না বরং object-এর কাজটি তার দ্বারা করা হয় সেই
sentence-এ verb-এর passive voice হয়।
The sentence in which
the subject does not do the work by himself actively rather the object’s work
is done by the subject in that sentence the verb has passive voice.
Voice শেখার আগে যা জানা জরুরী-
1. Tense.
2. Subject and Object.
3. Sentence এর বিভিন্ন প্রকার গঠন.
আমি ইতোপূর্বে Tense শেখার সহজ কৌশল
ও Sentence এর বিভিন্ন প্রকার গঠন খুব সহজভাবে আলোচনা করেছি যা একবার পড়লেই সব কিছু
নিজের আয়ত্বে আসবে।
এখন Subject and Object সম্পর্কে
কোন কাজ করে বা যার সম্পর্কে কোন কিছু বলা হয় তাকে Subject বা কর্তা বলে।
সাধারণত verb কে "কে" দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে Subject পাওয়া যায়। তবে verb
টি যদি have verb হয় সেক্ষেত্রে verb কে "কার" দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে subject পাওয়া যায়। যেমনঃ
Rakin is reading a book.
Rakin is reading a book.
· Shanta plays football.
· Rumu sings a song.
বাক্য তিনটির verb কে এখন আমরা 'কে'
দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করব।
· কে পড়ে - Rakin পড়ে।
অর্থাৎ Rakin এখানে Subject হিসেবে আছে।
· কে খেলে- Shanta খেলে।
অর্থাৎ Shanta এখানে Subject হিসেবে আছে।
· কে গায়- Rumu গায়।
অর্থাৎ Rumu এখানে Subject হিসেবে আছে।
আরও কিছু Example দেখা যাকঃ
Rumu is a beautiful girl.
She has a purse.
Samia is very active.
এবার দেখা যাক কিভাবে Sentence গুলো থেকে verb বের করা যায়।
কে হয় (রূপসী) - Rumu হয় রূপসী। অর্থাৎ Rumu এখানে Subject
কার (পার্স ) আছে - She বা তার পার্স আছে। অর্থাৎ She এখানে
Subject হয়েছে।
কে হয় (কর্মঠ) - Samia হয় কর্মঠ। Samia এখনে Subject হয়েছে।
কোন Sentence-এ Transitive Verb-এর দুইটি Object
থাকলে, অর্থাৎ একটি Direct ও একটি Indirect থাকলে উহাকে Passive করার সময় যে কোন
একটি Object-কে Subject করে আনতে হবে। অপরটি Object রূপেই পড়ে থাকবে। যে Object-টি Object রূপেই পড়ে থাকবে, তাকে Retained Object বলে।
কে 'কি' বা 'কাকে' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে উত্তরে যা পাওয়া যায় তাই Object বা কর্ম।
যদি শুধুমাত্র 'কি' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে উত্তর পাওয়া যায় তাহলে বাক্যে Object আছে একটি। যদি শুধুমাত্র 'কাকে' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে উত্তর পাওয়া যায় তাহলেও বাক্যে Object আছে একটি। আর যদি একটি বাক্যের Verb কে পৃথক ভাবে 'কি' বা 'কাকে' দ্বারা দুটি প্রশ্ন করলে আলাদা দুটি উত্তর পাওয়া যায় তবে ঐ বাক্যে Object আছে দুটি। আবার যদি 'কি' বা 'কাকে' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে একটিও উত্তর না পাওয়া যায় তবে ঐ বাক্যে কোন Object নেই।
I drink water every morning.
যদি শুধুমাত্র 'কি' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে উত্তর পাওয়া যায় তাহলে বাক্যে Object আছে একটি। যদি শুধুমাত্র 'কাকে' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে উত্তর পাওয়া যায় তাহলেও বাক্যে Object আছে একটি। আর যদি একটি বাক্যের Verb কে পৃথক ভাবে 'কি' বা 'কাকে' দ্বারা দুটি প্রশ্ন করলে আলাদা দুটি উত্তর পাওয়া যায় তবে ঐ বাক্যে Object আছে দুটি। আবার যদি 'কি' বা 'কাকে' দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করলে একটিও উত্তর না পাওয়া যায় তবে ঐ বাক্যে কোন Object নেই।
I drink water every morning.
Juli loves Salman.
Tania gives Shiam a
red rose.
Riju swims in the
প্রথম বাক্যে water, দ্বিতীয় বাক্যে Salman, তৃতীয় বাক্যে Shiam ও a red
rose হল Object। কিন্তু চতুর্থ বাক্যে
কোন Object নেই।
এবার দেখা যাক কিভাবেঃ
আমি কি পান করি- water
Juli কাকে ভালবাসে-
Salman কে
Tania কাকে দিল- Shiam
কে, কি দিল- a red rose
Riju কাকে সাঁতার কাটে,
কি সাঁতার কাটে- কোন উত্তর নেই। কারন এভাবে তো প্রশ্নই হয় না। অর্থাৎ শেষ বাক্যে
কোন Object নেই। "In the
river" এখানে Adverbial Phrase.
Voice পরিবর্তনের কিছু শর্ত-
যা জানতে হবে।
Active Voice এর Subject, Passive Voice এ Object হবে.
Active Voice এর Object, Passive Voice এ Subject হবে.
Subject ও Object, Pronoun হলে তার পরিবর্তন হবে।
Subject অনুসারে Auxiliary Verb বসবে। মূল Verb এর Past Participle (VPP) হবে এবং এর পরে By বসবে।
Auxiliary Verb এর মধ্যে am, is, was, has হচ্ছে Singular Verb এবং are, were,
have হচ্ছে Plural Verb. মনে রাখতে হবে Singular Subject এর সাথে Singular Verb বসবে।
আর Plural Subject এর সাথে Plural Verb বসবে। I এর পরে am, have বসবে, you এর পরে
were, have বসবে-এগুলো ব্যতীক্রম। had সকল Subject এর পরে
বসে। I ও we এর পরে shall, বাকি সব Subject এর পরে will বসে।
Subject বা Object Pronoun হলে নিম্নোক্তভাবে পরিবর্তিত হবে
I Me We Us They Them He Him She Her
It It
Voice পরিবর্তনের সহজ সূত্র
Subject Object
Subject + Au.V + VPP + By + Object
Au.V= Auxiliary Verb (am, is, are, was, were, shall, will, have,
has, had, can, may ইত্যাদি)
VPP= Verb Past Participle
Passive Voice করার সময় Tense অনুসারে Au.V এর স্থলে কি বসাবো?
1.Present Indefinite Tense হলে- am,is,are
বসাতে হবে।
Indefinite Tense হলে-was,were বসাতে হবে।
Indefinite Tense হলে-shall be, will be বসাতে হবে।
Present Continuous Tense হলে- am being, is being, are being বসাতে হবে।
Continuous Tense হলে-was being, were being বসাতে হবে।
Continuous Tense হলে- shall be being, will be being বসাতে হবে।
Perfect Tense হলে- have been, has been বসাতে হবে।
Perfect Tense হলে- had been বসাতে হবে।
Perfect Tense হলে- shall have been, will have been বসাতে হবে।
Perfect Continuous Tense হলে- have been being, has been being বসাতে হবে।
Past Perfect Continuous Tense হলে- had been being বসাতে হবে।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense হলে- shall have been being, will have been being বসাতে হবে।
of Tense
Voice Structure
Sub+ P.V+Ob
Sub+Past Verb+Ob
Sub+shall be/will be+VPP+by+ob
Sub+am being/is being /are being+VPP+by+ob
Sub+ was being/were
Sub+shall be/ will
Sub+shall be being/will be
Sub+ have been/has been+VPP+by+ob
Past. P.T
Sub+had been+VPP+by+ob
Sub+shall have/will have+VPP+ob
Sub+shall have been/will have
been +VPP+by+ob
Sub+have been/has been
Sub+ have been being/has been
being +VPP+by+ob
Sub+had been being+VPP+by+ob
have been/will have been +M.V+ing+ob
Sub+ shall have been being /will have
been being +VPP+by+ob
Name of Tense
Active Voice
Passive Voice
I eat rice.
Rice is eaten by me.
I ate rice.
Rice was eaten by me.
I shall eat rice.
Rice will be eaten by me.
I am eating rice.
Rice is being eaten
by me.
I was eating rice.
Rice was being eaten
by me.
I shall be eating
Rice will be being
eaten by me.
I have eaten rice.
Rice has been eaten
Past. P.T
I had eaten rice.
Rice had been eaten
I shall have eaten
Rice will have been
eaten rice.
I have been eating
Rice has been being
eaten rice.
I had been eating
Rice had been being
eaten rice.
I shall have been
eating rice.
Rice will have been
being eaten rice.
মাত্র সূত্র দিয়ে ১২টি Tense এর Voice নির্ণয় করার যে কৌশল আলোচনা করা হয়েছে তা
Affirmative ও Simple Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে প্রযোজ্য। কিন্তু আরো কিছু বাক্য আছে, যেমন-
Imperative, Complex, Compound কিংবা Who, Whom দিয়ে বাক্য শুরু হলে তার নিয়ম একটু
ভিন্ন হবে। তবে আলোচিত কৌশলটি সব বাক্যেই ঠিক থাকবে। এখন আমরা Tense ও Sentense অনুযায়ী
বিস্তারিত জানবো—
Tense শেখার বিস্তারিত আলোচনা
Present Indefinite Tense
Present Indefinite
Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর
Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি
Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর
Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb,
am / is / are এর যেকোন
একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে
গঠন প্রণালী :
Active Voice এর Object + am / is/ are + মূল Verb এর Past Participle
রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.
যেমন :-
Active : I eat rice.
Passive : Rice is eaten by me.
Active : They play football.
Passive : Football is played by them.
Active : I see the man.
Passive : The man is seen by me.
Active : Mother cooks rice.
Passive : Rice is cooked by mother.
Active : We eat mango.
Passive : Mango is eaten by us.
Active : She reads Arabic.
Passive : Arabic is read by her.
Active : Mr Khan teaches English.
Passive : English is taught by Mr Khan.
Active : Lima makes tea.
Passive : Tea is made by Lima.
Active : Rony Reads a book.
Passive : A book is read by Rony.
Active : Rina makes basket.
Passive : Basket is made by Rina.
যেমন :-
Active : I eat rice.
Passive : Rice is eaten by me.
Active : They play football.
Passive : Football is played by them.
Active : I see the man.
Passive : The man is seen by me.
Active : Mother cooks rice.
Passive : Rice is cooked by mother.
Active : We eat mango.
Passive : Mango is eaten by us.
Active : She reads Arabic.
Passive : Arabic is read by her.
Active : Mr Khan teaches English.
Passive : English is taught by Mr Khan.
Active : Lima makes tea.
Passive : Tea is made by Lima.
Active : Rony Reads a book.
Passive : A book is read by Rony.
Active : Rina makes basket.
Passive : Basket is made by Rina.
Past Indefinite Tense
Past Indefinite Tense এ
Active voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি
Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ
Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও
Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, was / were এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice
এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice
এ Past Participle রূপে
গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + was / were
+ মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর
যেমন :-
Active : I ate rice.
Passive : Rice was eaten by me.
Active : Rina wrote a letter.
Passive : A letter was written by Rina.
Active : She sang a song.
Passive : A song was sung by her.
Active : We did the work.
Passive : The work was done by us.
Active : Mother cooked food.
Passive : Food was cooked by mother.
Active : They played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket was played by them.
Active : The man sold the land.
Passive : The land was sold by the man.
Active : I knew them.
Passive : They were known by me.
Active : Police arrested the Criminals.
Passive : The Criminals were arrested by Police.
Active : Mr Khan taught the students.
Passive : The Students were taught by Mr Khan.
যেমন :-
Active : I ate rice.
Passive : Rice was eaten by me.
Active : Rina wrote a letter.
Passive : A letter was written by Rina.
Active : She sang a song.
Passive : A song was sung by her.
Active : We did the work.
Passive : The work was done by us.
Active : Mother cooked food.
Passive : Food was cooked by mother.
Active : They played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket was played by them.
Active : The man sold the land.
Passive : The land was sold by the man.
Active : I knew them.
Passive : They were known by me.
Active : Police arrested the Criminals.
Passive : The Criminals were arrested by Police.
Active : Mr Khan taught the students.
Passive : The Students were taught by Mr Khan.
Future Indefinite Tense
Future Indefinite Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ
পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে
এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে
by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb,
shall be / will be এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive
Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।
গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + shall be / will be
+ মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর
যেমন :-
Active : I shall write a letter.
Passive : A letter will be written by me.
Active : Swapan will support me.
Passive : I shall be supported by Swapan.
Active : Tania will make tea.
Passive : Tea will be made by Tania.
Active : Rana will write a story.
Passive : A story will be written by Rana.
Active : Father will buy a cow.
Passive : A cow will be bought by father.
Active : She will learn the lesson.
Passive : The lesson will be learnt by her.
Active : Ema will sing a song.
Passive : A song will be sung by Ema.
Active : we shall play football.
Passive : Football will be played by us.
Active : mother will cook rice.
Passive : Rice will be cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali will catch fish.
Passive : Fish will be caught by Ali.
যেমন :-
Active : I shall write a letter.
Passive : A letter will be written by me.
Active : Swapan will support me.
Passive : I shall be supported by Swapan.
Active : Tania will make tea.
Passive : Tea will be made by Tania.
Active : Rana will write a story.
Passive : A story will be written by Rana.
Active : Father will buy a cow.
Passive : A cow will be bought by father.
Active : She will learn the lesson.
Passive : The lesson will be learnt by her.
Active : Ema will sing a song.
Passive : A song will be sung by Ema.
Active : we shall play football.
Passive : Football will be played by us.
Active : mother will cook rice.
Passive : Rice will be cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali will catch fish.
Passive : Fish will be caught by Ali.
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ
পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে
এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে
by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb,
am being / is being / are being এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল
Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।
গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + am being /
is being / are being + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by +
Active Voice এর Subject.
যেমন :-
Active : We are eating mango.
Passive : Mango is being eaten by us.
Active : Mother is cooking rice.
Passive : Rice is being cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali is catching fish.
Passive : Fish is being caught by Ali.
Active : He is reading a book.
Passive : A book is being read by him.
Active : The teacher is teaching the Students.
Passive : The Students are being taught by the teacher.
Active : She is writing a letter.
Passive : A letter is being written by her.
Active : They are playing Cricket.
Passive : Cricket is being played by them.
Active : I am eating rice.
Passive : Rice is being eaten by me.
Active : They are reading English.
Passive : English is being read by them.
Active : They are doing the work.
Passive : The work is being done by them.
যেমন :-
Active : We are eating mango.
Passive : Mango is being eaten by us.
Active : Mother is cooking rice.
Passive : Rice is being cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali is catching fish.
Passive : Fish is being caught by Ali.
Active : He is reading a book.
Passive : A book is being read by him.
Active : The teacher is teaching the Students.
Passive : The Students are being taught by the teacher.
Active : She is writing a letter.
Passive : A letter is being written by her.
Active : They are playing Cricket.
Passive : Cricket is being played by them.
Active : I am eating rice.
Passive : Rice is being eaten by me.
Active : They are reading English.
Passive : English is being read by them.
Active : They are doing the work.
Passive : The work is being done by them.
Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense এ Active
voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive
Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object
হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number
অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, was being / were being এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং
Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।
গঠন প্রণালী :
Active Voice এর Object + was being / were being + মূল Verb এর Past
Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.
যেমন :-
Active : We were eating mango.
Passive : Mango was being eaten by us.
Active : Mother was cooking rice.
Passive : Rice was being cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali was catching fish.
Passive : Fish was being caught by Ali.
Active : He was reading a book.
Passive : A book was being read by him.
Active : The teacher was teaching the Students.
Passive : The Students were being taught by the teacher.
Active : She was writing a letter.
Passive : A letter was being written by her.
Active : They were playing Cricket.
Passive : Cricket was being played by them.
Active : I was eating rice.
Passive : Rice was being eaten by me.
Active : They were reading English.
Passive : English was being read by them.
Active : They were doing the work.
Passive : The work was being done by them.
যেমন :-
Active : We were eating mango.
Passive : Mango was being eaten by us.
Active : Mother was cooking rice.
Passive : Rice was being cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali was catching fish.
Passive : Fish was being caught by Ali.
Active : He was reading a book.
Passive : A book was being read by him.
Active : The teacher was teaching the Students.
Passive : The Students were being taught by the teacher.
Active : She was writing a letter.
Passive : A letter was being written by her.
Active : They were playing Cricket.
Passive : Cricket was being played by them.
Active : I was eating rice.
Passive : Rice was being eaten by me.
Active : They were reading English.
Passive : English was being read by them.
Active : They were doing the work.
Passive : The work was being done by them.
Continuous Tense
Future Continuous Tense এ Active
voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive
Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object
হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number
অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, shall be being / will be being এর যেকোন একটি
বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে
গঠন প্রণালী :
Active Voice এর Object + shall be being / will be being + মূল Verb এর
Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.
যেমন :-
Active : We shall be eating mango.
Passive : Mango will be being eaten by us.
Active : Mother will be cooking rice.
Passive : Rice will be being cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali will be catching fish.
Passive : Fish will be being caught by Ali.
Active : He will be reading a book.
Passive : A book will be being read by him.
Active : The teacher will be teaching the Students.
Passive : The Students will be being taught by the teacher.
Active : She will be writing a letter.
Passive : A letter will be being written by her.
Active : They will be playing Cricket.
Passive : Cricket will be being played by them.
Active : I shall be eating rice.
Passive : Rice will be being eaten by me.
Active : They will be reading English.
Passive : English will be being read by them.
Active : They will be doing the work.
Passive : The work will be being done by them.
যেমন :-
Active : We shall be eating mango.
Passive : Mango will be being eaten by us.
Active : Mother will be cooking rice.
Passive : Rice will be being cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali will be catching fish.
Passive : Fish will be being caught by Ali.
Active : He will be reading a book.
Passive : A book will be being read by him.
Active : The teacher will be teaching the Students.
Passive : The Students will be being taught by the teacher.
Active : She will be writing a letter.
Passive : A letter will be being written by her.
Active : They will be playing Cricket.
Passive : Cricket will be being played by them.
Active : I shall be eating rice.
Passive : Rice will be being eaten by me.
Active : They will be reading English.
Passive : English will be being read by them.
Active : They will be doing the work.
Passive : The work will be being done by them.
Present Perfect Tense
গঠন : Present Perfect Tense এ Active
voice কে Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive
Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object
হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number
অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be Verb, have been / has been এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং
Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।
গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object + have been / has
been + মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active Voice এর
যেমন :-
Active : We have eaten mango.
Passive : Mango has been eaten by us.
Active : Mother has cooked rice.
Passive : Rice has been cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali has caught fish.
Passive : Fish has been caught by Ali.
Active : He has read a book.
Passive : A book has been read by him.
Active : The teacher has taught the Students.
Passive : The Students have been taught by the teacher.
Active : She has written a letter.
Passive : A letter has been written by her.
Active : They have played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket has been played by them.
Active : I have eaten rice.
Passive : Rice has been eaten by me.
Active : They have read English.
Passive : English has been read by them.
Active : They have done the work.
Passive : The work has been done by them.
যেমন :-
Active : We have eaten mango.
Passive : Mango has been eaten by us.
Active : Mother has cooked rice.
Passive : Rice has been cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali has caught fish.
Passive : Fish has been caught by Ali.
Active : He has read a book.
Passive : A book has been read by him.
Active : The teacher has taught the Students.
Passive : The Students have been taught by the teacher.
Active : She has written a letter.
Passive : A letter has been written by her.
Active : They have played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket has been played by them.
Active : I have eaten rice.
Passive : Rice has been eaten by me.
Active : They have read English.
Passive : English has been read by them.
Active : They have done the work.
Passive : The work has been done by them.
Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে
Passive Voice এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ
Subject হয়ে বসবে এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে
এবং তার পূর্বে by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর পরে Be Verb, had been
বসবে। এবং Active Voice এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে
গঠন প্রণালী :
Active Voice এর Object + had been + মূল Verb এর Past Participle
রূপ + by + Active Voice এর Subject.
যেমন :-
Active : We had eaten mango.
Passive : Mango had been eaten by us.
Active : Mother had cooked rice.
Passive : Rice had been cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali had caught fish.
Passive : Fish had been caught by Ali.
Active : He had read a book.
Passive : A book had been read by him.
Active : The teacher had taught the Students.
Passive : The Students had been taught by the teacher.
Active : She had written a letter.
Passive : A letter had been written by her.
Active : They had played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket had been played by them.
Active : I had eaten rice.
Passive : Rice had been eaten by me.
Active : They had read English.
Passive : English had been read by them.
Active : They had done the work.
Passive : The work had been done by them.
Rule 9:
যেমন :-
Active : We had eaten mango.
Passive : Mango had been eaten by us.
Active : Mother had cooked rice.
Passive : Rice had been cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali had caught fish.
Passive : Fish had been caught by Ali.
Active : He had read a book.
Passive : A book had been read by him.
Active : The teacher had taught the Students.
Passive : The Students had been taught by the teacher.
Active : She had written a letter.
Passive : A letter had been written by her.
Active : They had played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket had been played by them.
Active : I had eaten rice.
Passive : Rice had been eaten by me.
Active : They had read English.
Passive : English had been read by them.
Active : They had done the work.
Passive : The work had been done by them.
Rule 9:
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense এ Active voice কে Passive Voice এ
পরিবর্তন করতে হলে Active Voice এর Object টি Passive Voice এ Subject হয়ে বসবে
এবং Active Voice এর Subject টি Passive Voice এ Object হয়ে বসবে এবং তার পূর্বে
by বসবে। Passive Voice এর Subject এর Person ও Number অনুযায়ী তার পরে Be
Verb,shall have been /will have been এর যেকোন একটি বসবে। এবং Active Voice
এর মূল Verb টি Passive Voice এ Past Participle রূপে বসবে।
গঠন প্রণালী : Active Voice এর Object +shall have been /
will have been+ মূল Verb এর Past Participle রূপ + by + Active
Voice এর Subject.
যেমন :-
Active : We shall have eaten mango.
Passive : Mango will have been eaten by us.
Active : Mother will have cooked rice.
Passive : Rice will have been cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali will have caught fish.
Passive : Fish will have been caught by Ali.
Active : He will have read a book.
Passive : A book will have been read by him.
Active : The teacher will have taught the Students.
Passive : The Students will have been taught by the teacher.
Active : She will have written a letter.
Passive : A letter will have been written by her.
Active : They will have played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket will have been played by them.
Active : I shall have eaten rice.
Passive : Rice will have been eaten by me.
Active : They will have read English.
Passive : English will have been read by them.
Active : They will have done the work.
Passive : The work will have been done by them.
যেমন :-
Active : We shall have eaten mango.
Passive : Mango will have been eaten by us.
Active : Mother will have cooked rice.
Passive : Rice will have been cooked by Mother.
Active : Ali will have caught fish.
Passive : Fish will have been caught by Ali.
Active : He will have read a book.
Passive : A book will have been read by him.
Active : The teacher will have taught the Students.
Passive : The Students will have been taught by the teacher.
Active : She will have written a letter.
Passive : A letter will have been written by her.
Active : They will have played Cricket.
Passive : Cricket will have been played by them.
Active : I shall have eaten rice.
Passive : Rice will have been eaten by me.
Active : They will have read English.
Passive : English will have been read by them.
Active : They will have done the work.
Passive : The work will have been done by them.
Note: Perfect Continuous Tense এর Voice নির্ণয় সাধারনত পরীক্ষায় আসে
না তাই এখানে আলোচনা করা হলো না।
যে Sentence দ্বারা
আদেশ, উপদেশ ও অনুরোধ বোঝায়, তাকে Imperative Sentence বলে। ওই Sentence-এর Active
voice-এর object-কে let-এর object-রূপে ব্যবহার করতে হবে। মূল verb-এর past
participle হয় এবং তার আগে be ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন—
Let+ Ob+ Be + VPP ( By You)
Active : Do it.
Passive : Let it be done (by you).
Active : Make a kite.
Passive : Let a kite be made (by you).
Active : Help the poor.
Passive : Let the poor be helped (by you).
Active : Take care of your health.
Passive : Let your health be taken care of.
Passive : Let it be done (by you).
Active : Make a kite.
Passive : Let a kite be made (by you).
Active : Help the poor.
Passive : Let the poor be helped (by you).
Active : Take care of your health.
Passive : Let your health be taken care of.
Sentence-এর active voice যখন let দ্বারা দেওয়া থাকে, তখন Passive voice করার সময়
নতুন করে আর let ব্যবহার করার দরকার হয় না। ওই let-কেই ওই বাক্যের শুরুতে বসিয়ে
indirect object-কে subject করে passive করতে হয়। যেমন—
Active : Let Putul
read the book.
Passive : Let the book be read by Putul.
Active : Let me sing a song.
Passive : Let a song be sung by me.
Active : Let him do the sum.
Passive : Let the sum be done by him.
দ্রষ্টব্য: Let-এর পরে second person বসে না।
Passive : Let the book be read by Putul.
Active : Let me sing a song.
Passive : Let a song be sung by me.
Active : Let him do the sum.
Passive : Let the sum be done by him.
দ্রষ্টব্য: Let-এর পরে second person বসে না।
Sentence-এর active voice-এর প্রথমে বা শেষে যদি adverb থাকে, তবে passive করার
সময় তাকে বাক্যের শেষে রেখে দিতে হয়। যেমন—
Active : Help him
Passive : Let him be helped now.
Active : Always speak the truth.
Passive : Let the truth be spoken always.
Active : Shut the door immediately.
Passive : Let the door be shut immediately.
Active : Today cut the tree.
Passive : Let the tree be cut today (by you).
Passive : Let him be helped now.
Active : Always speak the truth.
Passive : Let the truth be spoken always.
Active : Shut the door immediately.
Passive : Let the door be shut immediately.
Active : Today cut the tree.
Passive : Let the tree be cut today (by you).
Imperative Sentence
যদি negative হয়, তবে Passive voice- করার সময় বাক্যের প্রথমে let not ব্যবহার
করতে হয়। অন্যান্য নিয়ম আগের মতোই থেকে যায়।
Active : Do not break
the temple.
Passive : Let not the temple be broken (by you).
Active : Don’t post the letter.
Passive : Let not the letter be posted (by you).
Active : Don’t open the door.
Passive : Let not the door be opened (by you).
Passive : Let not the temple be broken (by you).
Active : Don’t post the letter.
Passive : Let not the letter be posted (by you).
Active : Don’t open the door.
Passive : Let not the door be opened (by you).
“Do not” দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া Sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে-
Let not + Object’s subject + be+ verb’s past participle
o Do not write the article. (Active)
o Let not the article be written. (Passive)
o Do not prepare the assignment. (Active)
o Let not the assignment be prepared.
“Never” দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া Sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে-
Let not + Object’s subject + ever be + verb’s past participle.
o Never deceive anyone. (Active)
o Let not anyone ever be deceived. (Passive)
o Never go there. (Active)
o Let not there ever be gone. (Passive)
Sentence “Let” দিয়ে শুরু হলে এবং এর পর personal object যেমন:
me/us/him/her/you/them থাকলে-
Let+ Object’s subject + be + verb’s past participle+ personal
o Let me write the article. (Active)
o Let the article be written by me. (Passive)
o Let him write the letter. (Active)
o Let the letter be written by him. (Passive)
Sentence main verb দিয়ে শুরু হলে এবং এর পর personal object যেমন:
me/us/him/her/you/them থাকলে-
Let+ direct object + be+ verb’s past participle + for + personal
o Give me a pencil. (Active)
o Let a pencil be given for me. (Passive)
o Give me an eraser. (Active)
an eraser be given for me. (Passive)
Sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে passive voice করার নিয়ম:
নিয়ম: Active Voice কে প্রথমে Assertive বাক্যে পরিনত করতে
হবে।এর পর Passive of Assertive এ পরিনত করতে হবে।তারপর Passive Voice এর Subject
এর পর যে Auxiliar Verb থাকে তা Subject এর পূর্বে বসাতে হবে।
o Have you written the article? (Active)
o You have written the article. (Assertive)
o The article has been written by you.
(Passive of Assertive)
o Has the article been written by you?
(Passive of the main sentence)
o Are you writing the article? (Active)
o You are writing the article. (Assertive)
o The article is being written by you.
(Passive of Assertive)
o Is the article being written by you?
(Passive of the main sentence)
SENTENCE যখন do, does বা did দ্বারা প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করে তখন
subject-এর number, person and tense অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত subject এর পূর্বে “to be
verb” বসিয়ে passive voice করতে হয়।
Active : Do you like
the book?
Passive : Is the book
liked by you?
Active : Does he like the cake?
Passive : Is the cake liked by him?
Active : Did he beat the dog?
Passive : Was the dog beaten by him?
Active : Does he like the cake?
Passive : Is the cake liked by him?
Active : Did he beat the dog?
Passive : Was the dog beaten by him?
“Who” দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া Sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে-
Who-এর পরিবর্তে By whom+ Tense এবং person-অনুসারে Auxiliary
verb+ object-এর subject+ কোন কোন সময় Tense অনুযায়ী “be/being/been”
ব্যবহৃত হয়+ Verb-এর past participle+?
: Who is writing the poem?
: By whom is the poem being
Active : Who spoke
Passive : By whom was it spoken?
Active : Who does?
Passive : By whom is it done?
Active : Who has broken the pencil?
Passive : By whom has the pencil been broken?
Passive : By whom was it spoken?
Active : Who does?
Passive : By whom is it done?
Active : Who has broken the pencil?
Passive : By whom has the pencil been broken?
“Whom”- দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া Sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে-
Whom এর পরিবর্তে Who+ Tense এবং person-অনুসারে Auxiliary verb+
Verb-এর past participle+ by+ subject-এর object+?
Active : Whom
did you recommend? (Active)
: Who was recommended by
you? (Passive)
Active : Whom do you
Passive : Who is wanted by you?
Active : Whom does he seek?
Passive : Who is sought by him?
Passive : Who is wanted by you?
Active : Whom does he seek?
Passive : Who is sought by him?
“What”- দিয়ে শুরু হওয়া
Sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে-
What+ Tense এবং person-অনুসারে Auxiliary verb+ Verb-এর past
participle+ by+ subject-এর object+? (Tense অনুসারে করা হয়) ।
Active : What
is he doing?
: What is being done by
Active : What does he need?
: What is needed by him?
Active : What does
Meena seek?
Passive : What is sought by Meena?
Active : What did you do?
Passive : What was done by you?
Passive : What is sought by Meena?
Active : What did you do?
Passive : What was done by you?
Why, when, Where, how ইত্যাদি দ্বারা interrogative Active বাক্য
শুরু হলে Passive voice করার সময় ওই Interrogative Adverb-গুলোই বাক্যের প্রথমে
থেকে যায়। Voice change-এর অন্যান্য নিয়ম অবশ্যই পালনীয়। যেমন—
Active : Why does he
disclose the fact?
Passive : Why is the fact disclosed by him?
Active : Why do they take the pen?
Passive : Why is the pen taken by them?
Active : When will Jibon write it?
Passive : When will it be written by Jibon?
Active : When will they make the kite?
Passive : When will the kite be made by them ?
Active : Where did Mamun find you?
Passive : Where were you found by Mamun?
Active : Where have you taken him?
Passive : Where has be been taken by you?
Active : How have you done this?
Passive : How has this been done by you?
Passive : Why is the fact disclosed by him?
Active : Why do they take the pen?
Passive : Why is the pen taken by them?
Active : When will Jibon write it?
Passive : When will it be written by Jibon?
Active : When will they make the kite?
Passive : When will the kite be made by them ?
Active : Where did Mamun find you?
Passive : Where were you found by Mamun?
Active : Where have you taken him?
Passive : Where has be been taken by you?
Active : How have you done this?
Passive : How has this been done by you?
present participle থাকলে Passive voice-এর কাঠামো:
Subject + verb + object +present participle-একে নিম্নরূপে passive করা হয়:
Object-এর subject+ Tense এবং person-অনুসারে Auxiliary verb +
Verb-এর past participle+ present participle-যুক্ত অংশ+ by + subject-এর object।
o I saw him performing the dance. (Active)
o He was seen performing the dance by me.
voice-এর double object থাকলে Passive voice-এর কাঠামো:
দুটি object-এর যেকোনটি subject হিসেবে নেয়া হয় (ব্যক্তিবাচক
object-টি পরিবর্তন করা ভাল) + Verb-এর past participle+ Tense এবং person-অনুসারে
Auxiliary verb + অন্য object+ by+ active voice-এর subject-টি object হিসেবে লেখা
o I gave her a dress. (Active)
o She was given a dress by me. (Passive)
Complex Sentence-কে Passive voice করতে হলে Principal clause ও
sub-ordinate clause উভয়ের Passive করতে হয়। Principal clause-এর সাধারণত object
থাকে না। তাই ওই অংশের object হিসেবে it নিতে হয়। যেমন—
Active : I know that
you helped him.
Passive : It is known to me that he was helped by you.
Active : I thought that Babul had sung a song.
Passive : It was thought by me that a song had been sung by Babul.
Passive : It is known to me that he was helped by you.
Active : I thought that Babul had sung a song.
Passive : It was thought by me that a song had been sung by Babul.
Complex Sentence-এর sub-ordinate clause-এর যদি object না থাকে,
তবে ওই অংশের Passive voice করার দরকার হয় না। এ ধরনের sentence-এর বেলায়
Principal clause-এর subject হিসেবে it নিয়েও Passive voice করা যায়। তা ছাড়া
sub-ordinate clause-এর that-সহ পরের সবটুকুকে passive করার সময় বাক্যের subject
করে passive করা যায়। যেমন—
Active : I know that
the he is a good boy.
Passive : It is known to me that he is a good boy.
Or : That he is a good boy is known to me.
Passive : It is known to me that he is a good boy.
Or : That he is a good boy is known to me.
And দ্বারা দুটি বাক্য যুক্ত হলে যদি and-এর উভয় অংশ object থাকে,
তবে উভয়েই নিয়ম অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হবে। আর and-এর পরবর্তী অংশে কোনো object না
থাকলে প্রথম অংশ বা আগের অংশ পরিবর্তিত হয়। যেমন—
Active : He ate rice and went to
Passive : Rice was eaten by him and
(he) went to school.
Active : He ate rice and gave me a pen.
Passive : Rice was eaten and I was given a pen by him.
Active : He ate rice and gave me a pen.
Passive : Rice was eaten and I was given a pen by him.
Active voice যদি “People say” দিয়ে শুরু হয়, তবে একে passive করতে
হলে, এর শুরুতে “It is said that” ব্যবহৃত হয়।
o People
say that Dhaka is the city of mosques. (Active)
o It
is said that Dhaka is the city of mosques. (Passive)
সাধারণত: intransitive verb-এর passive voice হয় না। কিন্তু যদি
intransitive verb-এর পরে preposition যুক্ত হয়ে একটি group verb তৈরী করে এবং এটি
intransitive verb হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে passive রূপের structure হবে-
Object হবে subject+ Tense অনুসারে Auxiliary verb + Verb-এর past
participle+ প্রদত্ত preposition+ by+ subject-এর object।
o The
boy took care of the parrots. (Active)
o The
parrots were taken care of by the boy. (Passive)
voice-এ Reflexive objective যেমন: myself, yourself, himself, herself,
yourselves, ourselves, themselves, প্রভৃতি থাকলে Passive-এর কাঠামো-
Active voice-এর একই subject passive form-এ ও+ Tense এবং person-অনুসারে
Auxiliary verb + Verb-এর past participle+ by+ reflexive object।
o He
mocked himself. (Active)
o He
was mocked by himself. (Passive)
Factitive object/
Complementary object-যুক্ত active voice-এর passive কাঠামো-
দ্রষ্টব্য: যদি কোন বাক্যে transitive verb যেমন: call, make, name, nominate,
elect, select, প্রভৃতি থাকে কিন্তু একটি পূর্ণ অর্থ প্রকাশ করতে একটি অতিরিক্ত
object ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে এই অতিরিক্ত objectটিকে Factitive object/ Complementary
object বলে।
Him, her, me, us, you, them, প্রভৃতিকে active রূপে নেয়া হয় এবং
subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়+ Tense and person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb+ Verb-এর
past participle+ factitive object+ by+ subject-এর object.
o They
made me a moderator. (Active)
o I
was made a moderator by them. (Passive)
object-যুক্ত active voice-এর Passive কাঠামো-
Cognate object: কিছু intransitive verb কিছু সাহায্যকারী object ব্যবহার করে
transitive verb-এর মত আচরণ করে। এই সাহায্যকারী object-গুলোকে Cognate object
Object-টি subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়+ Tense অনুসারে Auxiliary
verb+ Verb-এর past participle+ by+ Subject-এর object.
o He
wrote a poem. (Active)
o A
poem was written by him. (Passive)
Infinitive-যুক্ত active
voice-এর passive কাঠামো-
Active voice-এর subject+ tense এবং person অনুযায়ী মূল verb+
infinitive-এর পরের object (যদি থাকে) + to be + infinitive-এর পরের verb-এর past
o He
wants you to give a speech. (Active)
o He
wants a speech to be given. (Passive)
combinations যেমন: suggest/recommend/advise/propose+ gerund+
object-যুক্ত active voice-এরpassive কাঠামো-
Active voice-এর subject+ মূল verb+ that+ gerund-এর পরের object+
should be+ gerund-কে verb-এ পরিণত করে তার past participle.
o He
proposed watching the movie. (Active)
o He
proposed that the movie should be watched. (Passive)
determined/demand/decide/ be anxious, etc.+ infinitive +
object-যুক্ত active voice-এর passive কাঠামো:
Active voice-এর subject+ মূল verb+ that+ infinitive -এর পরের
object+ should be+ infinitive-কে verb-এ পরিণত করে তার past participle.
o He
decided to prepare the proposal. (Active)
o He
decided that the proposal should be prepared. (Passive)
should-যুক্ত active voice-এর Passive কাঠামো-
Object-এর subject+ should be+ Verb-এর past participle.
o One
should perform one’s prayers. (Active)
o Prayers
should be performed. (Passive)
যে Verb-এর Object নেই অর্থাৎ Intransitive Verb-এর
Passive Voice হয় না। তবে যদি উহা (a)Cognate Object গ্রহন ক'রে Transitive Form-এ
আসে, তখন উহার Passive হতে পারে। অথবা (ii) যদি group Verb হয়ে Object গ্রহন
করে,তখন Passive হতে পারে।
Active : He ran a race.
Cognate object
Passive : A race was run by him.
Active : He laughs at me.
Group Verb
Passive : I am laughed at by him.
Cognate object
Passive : A race was run by him.
Active : He laughs at me.
Group Verb
Passive : I am laughed at by him.
Sentence-এ Transitive Verb-এর দুইটি Object থাকলে, অর্থাৎ একটি Direct ও একটি
Indirect থাকলে উহাকে Passive করার সময় যে কোন একটি Object-কে Subject করে আনতে
হবে। অপরটি Object রূপেই পড়ে থাকবে। যে
Object-টি Object রূপেই পড়ে থাকবে, তাকে Retained Object বলে।
Active: He gave me a pen.
I.O. D.O
Passive: I was given a pen by him.
Retained object
অথবা, A pen was given me by him.
Retained object
I.O. D.O
Passive: I was given a pen by him.
Retained object
অথবা, A pen was given me by him.
Retained object
তবে Factitive Object-কে
যদিও বস্তুত Direct Object-এর মত মনে হয়, কিন্তু উহা মূলত Direct Object নয়। উহা
Factitive Object। Factitive Object কখনো
Passive Voice-এ Subject হতে পারেনা।
Active: We made him captain.
F. O.
Active: We made him captain.
F. O.
Passive: He was made
captain by us.
অনুরূপভাবে, Dative of Interest-কে
যদিও Indirect Object বলে মনে হয়, কিন্তু, মূলত উহা Indirect Object নয়। উহা
Dative of Interest। Dative of Interest কখনো
Passive Voice-এ Subject হতে পারেনা।
Active: He bought me a pen.
Dative of Interest
Passive: A pen was bought for me by him.
Active: He bought me a pen.
Dative of Interest
Passive: A pen was bought for me by him.
Factitive Object, Adverbial Object, Dative
of Interest ইত্যাদি Passive voice-এ
Subject হতে পারেনা।
tastes sweet = Honey is sweet when it is
এ ধরনের
Sentence-কে Quasi Passive বলে। কারন, ইহা আকারে Active কিন্তু ভাবে Passive।
Active voice-এর Subject যখন Passive-এ
Prepositional Object হবে, তখন যে শুধু ‘by’ Preposition বসবে এমন কোন কথা নেই।
‘to’ ‘in’ ‘with’ ‘at’ ইত্যাদি যে কোন Preposition(অর্থ অনুযায়ী)বসতে পারে।
Sentence এ ‘by’ থাকলেই Passive Voice ধরতে হবে, এমন ধারনা ভুল।
Passive Voice-এ Prepositional Object বা Agent নাও থাকতে পারে।
যেমন:The boy was punished.
Sentence এ ‘by’ থাকলেই Passive Voice ধরতে হবে, এমন ধারনা ভুল।
Passive Voice-এ Prepositional Object বা Agent নাও থাকতে পারে।
যেমন:The boy was punished.
Rule-44: কোনো কোনো শব্দ আছে
যাদের শেষে By বসে না।
যেমন: Verb যদি mental action
বুঝায়, তখন Passive Voice-এ Subject-কে Object ক'রে উহার
পূর্বে Preposition ‘with’ বা ‘at’ বসে। তবে ব্যক্তির পূর্বে ‘with’ এবং ব্যক্তি
না বুঝালে ‘at’ বসে।
Active: He pleased me.
Passive: I was pleased with him.
Active: His conduct satisfied me.
Passive: I was satisfied at his conduct.
Active: He pleased me.
Passive: I was pleased with him.
Active: His conduct satisfied me.
Passive: I was satisfied at his conduct.
শেষ কথা:
সকল শিক্ষার্থীকে উপর্যযুক্ত কৌশল শিখে Voice নির্ণয় করতে দক্ষ করে গড়ে
তোলা হয়। এর পরেও কাউকে যদি বলা হয় I have a cow. এর Passive Voice কি? আর বলতে পারে
না। আসলে Passive Voice করার আগে প্রথমেই ভাবতে হবে এটি কোন Tense। তারপর ভাবতে হবে
এটি কোন Sentence. এখন আসি I have a cow. এই বাক্যটি Present Indefinite Tense. এবং
এটি Affirmative বা Simple Sentence. তাহলে হবে-
Active- I have a cow.
Passive- A cow is had
by me.
Active- I had a cow.
(Past Indefinite Tense)
Passive- A cow was had
by me.
Bangladesh Online University একটি সেবামূলক Online ভিত্তিক ফ্রি শিক্ষা
প্রতিষ্ঠান যা সকলের জন্য উন্মুক্ত।
তাই উপকৃত হলে দোয়া করতে ভুলবেন না।
Principal Md.Izabul Alam, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
01716508708, izabulalam@consultant.com
আরো অধিক বিষয় জানতে এদের উপর ক্লিক করুন- (সাধারণ জ্ঞান ও অন্যান্য):
৮৭তম পর্ব দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন-বিজ্ঞান
৮৬তম পর্ব দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুনঃ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর সকল বিষয়।
((সব পর্ব এক সাথে দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন- সব পর্ব))
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